Charles Plymell reads Was Poe Afraid at Sprachsalz Literature Festival (video)

September 12, 2016

The words of the song ‘Was Poe Afraid’ are out a poem by the great beat poet Charles Plymell – Charles and I became friends since 10 years ago and he gave me the honor to be allowed to transform his words to music. I had the pleasure to visit Charles at this live reading of ‘Was Poe Afraid’ in 2008 at the Sprachsalz Festival for literature, enjoy!

“The legendary figure, Charles Plymell, who was involved with a loose gang of experimental writers and outsider artists in post war 1950s America. He currently lives with his wife in Cherry Valley, New York and is still kickin’ against the pricks.
As a writer, publisher, printer and collaborator, Charley has been linked with some of the most influential writers and artists to come out of America. For example, he has collaborated and maintained friendships with bassist and punk icon, Mike Watt, Sonic Youth’s Thurston Moore and in previous years with Richard Hell, S Clay Wilson, Robert Branaman, A D Winans and the late Neal Cassady, Herbert Huncke and William S. Burroughs.”

Was Poe Afraid by Andrea Schroeder:

Charles Plymell fansite with more information:

Wikipedia english:

Wikipedia deutsch: